
The Vision is the core document for the membership of the site. It defines the central vision so you can see whether it is something you want to journey towards with us. It is written by the vision bearers.

For many the spiritual journey is most easily followed in nature; along the shore, through the forest, over the mountain – as well as in the garden and the park. Markers along the journey include moments of captured wonder: the perfect sunset, a sacred place, the sound of a waterfall or the taste of freshly harvested produce shared with friends. It feels natural to give thanks or say ‘wow’ and somehow find that the experience includes something of the divine.

Throughout the ages people have walked this path with the Mystic Christ and have found a meaningful expression of their spirituality, finding inspiration and structure through the rhythms of the seasons, the characteristics of plants and animals and the sacredness of place – along with the wisdom of the scriptures and the pattern of prayers. Down to earth spirituality of the everyday with Christ at its compass prompting action for peace, justice and ecology.

Communities of the Mystic Christ is a place for spiritual travellers of all traditions interested in exploring Jesus the Christ as a living reality and mystical guide through ancient practices and contemporary thought and experience. It will provide community interaction as well as resources to practice spirituality for everyday patterns, stages of life and rites of passage. Together with these, will be reflections on the works of the mystics that explore the Mystic Christ.

This site and its communities are for anyone who wants to explore this journey. It will draw heavily on Christian mystical tradition and will encourage a personal encounter with Jesus. It will also explore who Jesus is through the eyes of different Christian and non-Christian spiritual traditions. But even with these roots deep in the wisdom of the past something new is happening; a seed is sprouting and what it will become will depend on the people who choose to journey together in this new community and the creativity and passion they bring.

We, the founders and vision bearers of the Communities of the Mystic Christ come from a variety of Christian traditions, churches and cultures. As such we express our heritage in many diverse ways and welcome the diversity of others in exploring who Christ is for today. We believe we are called to express this heritage afresh in each culture, place and time, discovering the moves of the Spirit’s dance among us. We do not know the patterns this will form and so we are travellers on a journey in which we seek to cherish the old but discover the new and often unexpected work of the Spirit of Christ in all creation. We invite you to be our companions on that Journey whatever spiritual path you follow as we seek those discoveries together. We all have spiritual wisdom to share and all have much we can learn from each other as travellers together in both the world within and the world without.

Version 14/10/10

Membership Groups

h3. Travellers

Travellers are visitors to the site who, beyond visiting or lurking, want to post on the message boards. “Register”: here. Travellers are required to abide by the Community Protocol. In time they may want to become Companions.

h3. Companions

Companions make up the sites main community. They would be hard to define in terms of belief and stage of faith but they would be people who would respect the Vision and would be journeying towards it, rather than away from it. To become a Companion, you will need to get in contact with one of the Vision Bearers, to explore if it is right for you to do so. Send us a message via the “contact us”: page. Companions will agree to the Community Protocol.

h3. Vision Bearers

Vision Bearers are a group of about six people who provide the core leadership for the site and its community. Their main role is to provide visionary and encouraging leadership, prominently through the site and its activities. They will be people who agree with and co-create the Vision and ensure this statement remains at heart of the sites activities.

Forest Church Tweets

Great to see how @RiponCuddesdon are engaging with @ARochaUK Eco Church scheme - love the Forest Church area made b……
18 Aug 22

Our Forest Church takes place on Sunday, 28th August, at 4.30pm in the Gifford Community Woodland (Fawn Wood), for……

Tremeirchion have their first Forest Church service tomorrow so the boys thought they had better check out that the……
20 Aug 22